Tuesday, October 19, 2010

400 Followers Giveaway

I reached 400 followers tonight, and I promised a prize! I'm giving away one hardback copy of WHITE CAT by Holly Black, my favorite book by this fabulous author. If I get to 450 I'll give away another book. And another book for 500. What books? I don't know. I'll figure it out when we get there.

Open internationally!

You must be 13 to enter.

You must be a blog follower to enter.

You do not need to include your full name, but please put more than your first (add a last initial, numbers, etc). It's hard to announce the winner when three people with the same name enter. I don't want you to think you won when it was really another by the same name

Contest Closed

Ends 10/31... Halloween!


Orchid said...

Congratulations on 4oo followers. Thanks for the awesome giveaway (hope I win). ^_^

Suzy Turner said...

Great blog you have here!!
Lovin' it!
Best wishes

Jessy said...

Congrats on the big 400!

Edna said...

Yay! Congrats!

Lucy Beugeling-Ramos said...

Congratulations! I see that you have 405 followers now!
Please enter me.


Nandi said...

Congrats on getting 400 followers!

Giada M. said...

Congrats! :D Thank you for making this great contest international!

April X said...

Thanks for the giveaway :) congrats on 400 followers!

Jaime Z said...

Congrats on reaching this milestone!!!

Lucy Beugeling-Ramos said...

Congrats on the 417 followers!
Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.

Lucy Beugeling-Ramos

Bookish in a Box said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sandy said...

Congratulations on the big 400!!

Sandy T.


Novel Reaction said...

Congrats on gaining so many followers.

MikeMagpuyo said...

Good job on reaching half a thousand followers! :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 400 Followers!

CiNdY said...

Awesome! Congrats on reaching 400. I wonder what your next goal # will be...
Please enter me.

Cindy M.
e-mail- cmurphy213@yahoo.com

Dusty said...

Congrats on your followers, dear!

I'm promoting your contest over here ;) http://dustyglass.blogspot.com/

Brodie said...

Congrats on surpassing 400 followers!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway, hope you have a Happy Halloween :)

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