Cappall Uisce
Water Horse
Water Horse

At age nineteen, Sean Kendrick is the returning champion. He is a young man of few words, and if he has any fears, he keeps them buried deep, where no one else can see them.
Puck Connolly is different. She never meant to ride in the Scorpio Races. But fate hasn’t given her much of a chance. So she enters the competition — the first girl ever to do so. She is in no way prepared for what is going to happen.
I was lucky enough to get my hands on an arc of The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. I loved her previous five novels so I had high expectations for this one. And I wasn't disappointed.
Sean, the returning champion of the Scorpio Races, and his cappall uisce, Corr, return to the beach to train with new racers. Including Puck, and her horse, Dove. Puck intends to race Dove, a horse not much bigger than a pony, against several deadly cappall uisce. They emerge from the sea onto the island of Thisby, hungry for flesh each Autumn. They ravage sheep, dogs, anything they can find, and they return to the sea unless caught to be trained to race. Riders die before the race even begins, and people come from afar to bet on and see this race on the beach of Thisby.
Puck, who's real name is Kate, is one of our main characters. She splits narration with Sean. The two meet and share an instant dislike for each other. Sean doesn't want to see a girl and her horse on the dangerous beach. And Puck doesn't care for this bossy know-it-all. But as time goes by, things change.
Puck is racing to save her family's home - it's just her and her two brothers - and to keep the older one from leaving for the mainland. Sean is racing for the right to buy Corr, his red cappall uisce. But both can't win the races.
I loved this book so much. I almost felt like I was there on Thisby. My favorite part was the festival where the riders announced their decision to race. There were so many incredible aspects to that scene that I loved, but I'll leave those for when you read it. I'm also very much into faery lore. The cappall uisce, which translates to water horse, is a kelpie. Don't get on one's back in the water, or he'll drown you.
I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone. Especially if you like faery. The Scorpio Races ranks in at number two of my favorite Maggie books, topped only by Ballad.
Maggie Stiefvater is doing a book signing in two days time. I plan to go and get a copy signed for myself. I also plan to get a copy for one of you! (If I don't make it to the signing, I will give away an unsigned copy.)
1. Must follow my blog
2. Must be 13 or older.
3. Open International (US cover).
4. Fill out this form.
Good luck! Giveaway ends 10/30, midnight EST. Winner announced on Halloween.
This book sounds so GOOD! I love all of Maggie's books so I'm sure that this one will be added to the list : )
Great review! It sounds like a very interesting read, I'm dying to read it! It's been on my TBR list for a while now.
Fabulous review! I like books about faery so I think this one is for me. I'm a big fan of the Wolves of Mercy Falls books. Thanks for the giveaway :)
Great review. I LOVE all Maggie's work. really looking forward to reading this, I saw her at a book signing and the way she described this one....was odd and good....nothing like leaving a fan wanting more! Thanks for the giveaway.
I have heard so many great things and I feel bad because I am so behind in my Maggie reading. I've only read Shiver, Linger and her short story The Hounds of Ulster which is very bad of me I know. Thanks for the DM and the giveaway!
ACK! Another book I have sitting on my shelf but haven't found time to read. I will!!!
I'd love to read this! I loved the Wolves of Mercy Falls series and Maggie's writing. This sounds completely different from tWoMF but I know whatever Maggie wrote will be amazing. Thanks for teh review and the giveaway!
I'm really excited to read this one.
Wow I just read half the first sentence describing the MC and I'm already like, "he sounds hot." :P
I'm super dying to read this one!!!! Good luck on the signing and post photos!
Can't wait to read this book! It sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Great review. I can't wait to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway!
This book sounds good! The story is unique and different. And it also includes faeries? Yeah, definetely interesting idea.
Thanks for the international giveaway btw :) fingers crossed!
The was Maggie best, I loved it!!!!
I love Maggie Stiefvater and her books! This one sounds totally awesome. Thanks for the awesome review and giveaway!
I will definitely be reading this! I love anything Maggie writes. I wish I could go to the signing. Hope you had fun!
Yes , I like faery! So, definitely going to pick this book up
Wow, great giveaway.
I've heard a lot of good things about The Scorpio Races, so I'll keep my fingers crossed!
I've been looking so forward to this!
I really can't wait to read this book!!!
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