The first half was fantastic. I was so hooked, I couldn't look away. The second half, while equally interesting, seemed a bit rushed in parts. The movie did an excellent job of segueing from one book to the other, as we followed seven characters through their senior year. The characters evolved a lot from the beginning. I liked some and hated others and they changed as the story did. One minute I'm on Harper's side. Then Beth's, and then Kane's. And now that's it over, I don't know who I love and hate. The story continually surprised me. Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen, I turned out to be wrong. I never knew what was coming. Sex, drugs, drinking, death, lots of eye candy... and all seven deadly sins...
The acting was really good, especially considering the fact that they were basically unknowns. The directing was good, too. There were scenes where you felt like a voyeur, which was interesting. Different. They also did a good job of incorporating the parents without making you feel like they were around too much. I know that's kinda a hot topic in YA. Having parents that care and are around without making it too much about them. And the parents had their own drama.

I really hope this movie comes out on DVD soon. It just ended, and I can't wait to see it again. It really makes you think about your actions, and payback is definitely a bitch.
Check out deleted scenes, pics, an interview with Robin Wasserman, and more here:

I snagged a copy of LUST, the first book in the series, to give away. To enter, please answer this question: What did you love most about the movie? If you didn't see the movie, answer this question: Which is your favorite sin and why? Please be sure to leave your email in your response. Giveaway open to US and Canada.
Winner will be posted when I post a review for the book, later this week, so enter asap.
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I did not catch the movie, but I hope I can in the future!
My favorite sin is Lust because I find myself lusting after things all the time...whether it be people or gadgets or even books. I want them so badly that lust is obviously playing a huge role in it.
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pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot com
My favorite sin is Pride. Because, even though too much of it is deadly, it shows that you have confidence.
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Hmm not sure what my favourite sin is -thinks- I do know I'm very susceptible to envy but I don't like it. Perhaps lust ;) its very delicious.
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Sloth is pretty appealing. Who wouldn't wan to spend an exra hour in bed?
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Haven't seen the movie but my favorite sin is greed. I think it's probably the most problematic one lol
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I didn't catch the movie. But I have a sweet spot for wrath. I know I should avoid it at all costs, but when the time, place, and reasons are appropriate, it feels so good to let it out... like a sweet pain, or a primal scream...
(I'm not scary, I promise!)
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My favorite sin... mmm, I'd say out of them all lust. Becasue it seems to be the most fun out of all the sins and if i'm going to go I'd rather go out with a BANG lmao
- LoonyMoonyy
*smacks head* I forgot! My email addy is sorry!
<3 Kelsey Leigh
I haven't seen the movie, but my favorite sin would have to be Lust:)
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