I had met Holly three times in the past. She's very cool. But this time I got to meet Tony DiTerlizzi also. He co-writes the Spiderwick books with her and does all of the illustrations. He's a great artist and sketched out little figures in one book per person. He sketched me a dragon in my KENNY AND THE DRAGON book.
Alex came with. He had the first Spiderwick book signed with a pic of Timbletack the brownie. He really liked both of them. Holly said her one talent besides writing is touching her nose with her tongue. Alex can do that, too, so he thought she was great. Then he admitted to her he can pick his nose with his tongue (11-year-old boys *eyeroll*), and Tony said he was brave admitting something like that in public.
Holly did a reading from THE WYRM KING, the latest Spiderwick book. It's also going to be the last. :( She said THE WHITE CAT is the first book in a YA trilogy that comes out next spring. Tony will be working on his Meno books, which is about a space elf and their futuristic. They are for kids, but they look cute.
Alex asked if they were making the new Spiderwick books into a movie. They said probably not because the studio wants to use the three kids from the first series. Not the new three. I don't see why that would make a difference in whether people wanted to come see it or not. And minor spoiler... the three kids from the original are in it, they just aren't main characters.
As for VALIANT movie news. It was optioned, but doesn't look like it'll happen. But who knows... someone might pick it up in the future. I told her it was my favorite book, and I really loved Ravus. She said she loved Ravus, too. I want to see him on my screen. Also, we need more faery movies.
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